Hi, I’m Tammy. I’m new here. They say to be happy you should do what you love. I love Holidays. I love History. So, here I am.

In my previous life, I spent 20 years as part of a successful online craft and hobby company. After relocating up north, I switched gears, earned an Associate’s degree in Paralegal Studies, and left the stressful world of crafting for the light-hearted world of family law, working as a paralegal, until the Pandemic.


I live in a small town in Connecticut with my husband, my Brussels Griffon named Buddy, and occasionally my daughter, who recently graduated from college. I love reading classic literature, watching The Office, eating gluten-free chocolate walnut brownies, and decorating for the holidays.


Through research, personal experiences, and trial and error, I’ll share ideas for making the most of the holidays we love and talk about the fascinating stories behind our favorite traditions.